So, I’ve just got to come clean. The last few weeks of my life have been on the edge of absurd in terms of commitments, big decisions, to do’s, and responsibilities. There have also unfortunately been some renegotiated accountabilities, several totally dropped balls, and at least one big miss. I know you all have been in this place of extreme chaos too. Between doing your own work, coaching others to do their work, all the internal processes and responsibilities, finding time to grow and develop, not to mention the professional networking and affiliations, it’s a lot to keep up with. Then sprinkle in your version of personal and community commitments for yourself, your family (including pets), your friends, and the list goes on. It’s a lot, I know. And it’s the new normal, isn’t it? All of these pieces and particles of our busy lives
are like waves on the beach. A constant ebb and flow and we adjust and get used to it. Then, from time to time, we run into a really, really, really, big wave. The huge, overwhelming set of life circumstances that threatens to pull you under, chew you up, and spit you back out broken on the beach. But what if, instead of paddling the other way or letting it pound you silly, you decide to swim right towards this massive wave of chaos? What if you ride it, surf it, or dance with it instead? You may still get thrown into the spin cycle, but you just might enjoy it.
The next time that extra big wave of crazy is headed your way, could be today, think about these strategies in dancing
with chaos…
In CTI’s Co-Active Leadership Program, I learned to look at the chaos and rub my hands together in glee (yes, really…) because I know now that chaos presents a huge opportunity to create something new and extraordinary. It’s much better to dance with it than fight it. As my 12 year old son told me today, “Life is kinda like writing an essay with an ink pen… of course you’re going to make mistakes, but you just need to keep writing anyway.
Be well and have a ball surfing the chaos!
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