The Enneagram offers the opportunity to align, link and synergise various organizational development initiatives within your or your clients’ business. Our enterprise solutions offer deep, accelerated leadership development, teambuilding, communication, collaboration and productivity, resulting in a better bottom line.
*All content on this page is the property of iEQ9
The Enneagram is a catalyst for organizational development at individual, team and organizational levels. Enneagram-based insight has the ability to reflect deep motivators and change behaviors, giving it great power in the context of a complex adaptive system such as a team or organization.
As it speaks to intrinsic motivations, the Enneagram adds deep value to engagement, change management, organizational culture, team development and organizational coherence.
In teams and broader groupings, the Enneagram offers both diagnosis and development opportunities by reflecting “what is” as well as holding the key to new behavior patterns and solution-mechanisms.
The Enneagram is not a superficial framework to provide quick and short-lived insight – its depth and layered approach allows for unfolding and adapting organizational journeys over time. Clients find that the Enneagram continues to resonate with them as they change and grow, allowing them to work deeper and deeper, tapping into subtler and more powerful pathways to development.
A single 30-minute questionnaire provides the data required for multiple interventions, reducing survey fatigue, helping staff see the links between diverse organization development activities, and creating a shared language and sense of integration across the business.
The Enneagram is more than a personality model as this powerful suite of tools also offers a framework for reflecting on group and community dynamics and drivers, as well as a process that can be applied to guide an intentional, grounded change journey.
Maximize the return on investment (ROI) and depth of your development activities with a tool that brings emotional intelligence and deep self-awareness to all applications.
Accelerate and support deep transformations in culture, learning and development and engagement by connecting employees to the deepest levels of self-awareness. Insight into individual motivators and drivers allows for deeper, faster change, customized change journeys and effective, sustainable transformation.
It provides a framework to deeply investigate the ‘why’ behind displayed behaviors or resistance, allowing for breakthrough solutions. The iEQ9 gives insight into what intrinsically motivates different people, what engages them and the risks of disengagement or burnout.
Empower your managers, leaders and coaches with tips and suggestions of effective development activities and strategies for each individual or group. The iEQ9 suite of products focuses not only on the ‘what’ of assessment, but also offers reflections and suggestions of the ‘so what, now what?’ of development, to move forwards.
Book an appointment to discuss your organizational needs and timeline.
Teams are fundamental in organizations, with some theorists suggesting that people don’t leave organizations, they love or leave their team and direct manager. The demands for agility, rapid change and collaboration are leading many organizations to redesign their structures with less hierarchy and more flat team structures.
This increase in teamwork and collaboration means more individual accountability for employees, for themselves and how they engage with others in teams, requiring high EQ and awareness. The Enneagram offers deep insights into both individual and team culture, values and barriers, empowering the team with a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, and highlighting potential avenues to grow and develop.
Culture is seen as a key source of competitive advantage in the modern organization, yet it stubbornly resists efforts to ‘design’ or ‘change’ it to an envisioned culture. The iEQ9 offers the opportunity to sense, analyze and dig deep into the underlying assumptions and beliefs that form the organizational DNA expressed in your culture, and therefore the strategies and opportunities to shape, tweak and leverage that culture to maximize its potential.
Our culture tools:
In 21st century organizations, we look to leadership to do so much – to provide strategic clarity, individual mentoring and growth, lead change and engagement, promote diversity and inclusion and much more!
A key barrier to this is the individual leader’s own self-awareness and capacity to change. Our clients consistently find that the iEQ9 offers true breakthroughs through focusing on self-awareness, emotional intelligence and capacity for vertical development, continuously learning and growing through a deep connection with their authentic self. Leaders also gain insights into the different motivators and drivers of others, accelerating their effectiveness as coaches and mentors.
The Enneagram offers a diverse view of leadership that acknowledges nine (or 27) different forms of power and opens up the possibility to develop more leaders from diverse backgrounds and levels. The framework goes beyond traditional, limited ideas about leadership such as ‘leaders don’t show weakness’ or ‘leaders have all the answers’ and invites leaders to step into their own power through a unique development path, rather than trying to emulate others around them.
To effectively mentor, coach and develop talent, we need to craft a personalized development path and strategy for each individual – creating a key challenge for managers in knowing what they should focus on and how to work with diverse coaches.
The iEQ9 suite gives you development paths and strategies per type (for 27 different individual subtypes), which leaders and mentors can discuss and apply with the individuals they work with. This gives the ability to deliver coaching and advice in such a way that the individual can hear, internalize, problem solve and take ownership of their own development.
The Enneagram also offers a lens for leaders to understand that their own values, motivations and preferred learning style are not always right for others, and to adapt their development strategies based on a robust, data-grounded report.
“Under the evolving social contract between employer and employee, workers become “volunteers” to be re-engaged and re-recruited each day”
– Deloitte HC Survey
Organizations have invested a great amount of time, resources and energy in building engagement in recent years, and this remains a key priority. This implies that engagement is driven by a range of factors that may be individualized and localized, giving responsibility to the immediate manager and team.
The iEQ9 indicates the red flags and warning signs of overload, burnout and disengagement for different individuals, as well as suggestions of blind spots and opportunities for engagement at both a collective and individual level, allowing for a strategic approach to this essential challenge.
With new generations entering the workplace, climbing learning and development costs and the rise of the independent worker, companies are
rethinking their approach to learning and talent to prioritise the individual. Our product suite offers a unique development path, supported by flexible reporting formats and modular offerings.
The iEQ9 accelerates breakthroughs, dropping individuals into deep awareness through the reflection of our reports. Individuals are empowered with an understanding of their own style, barriers and strengths which can be applied to virtually any development or learning challenge.
The iEQ9 reveals the organization to itself, offering a tool to deeply diagnose resistance or motivation at the level of root causes, and a structured framework to create movement that aligns with these insights. The Enneagram is more than a personality model, but also offers a view of process that can be applied to guide an intentional, grounded change process.
To shift behaviour, we must first understand why it is that people are behaving the way they do – something they might not be aware of themselves! By working into the deepest levels of resistance and motivation, this framework offers tools to resolve or even dissolve conflict and to reframe change as a positive. The diversity of the Enneagram allows for the gifts of diverse types (drivers, visionaries, relationship-builders, analytical types) to be incorporated into the change process, through a robust research-based process.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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