What does it all mean?
It’s not easy to make meaning out of something as horrible and senseless as the Orlando tragedy. It’s not easy to make meaning out of any attack, hardship, or misfortune. It’s easy to stay quiet and focus on other things. In the face of the utterly heart wrenching attack in Orlando I found myself speechless, numb, and wanting to every other thing on my list than thinking about Orlando. And I didn’t stay totally shut down either. The truth is, I am experiencing a huge range of emotions. Maybe you are too? I feel heart pumping anger, deep overwhelming grief, and terrifying fear. For a few days, I was so overwhelmed that I retreated to protect myself in all the little pieces and particles of my busy life. That’s the easy thing to do. It’s what we humans often do when things get crazy and senseless “out there”.
Fortunately, I managed to stay. I stayed open enough to listen to what others are saying. I allowed myself to be inspired by other’s words. I am hearing friends and colleagues experience their own anger, fear, and grief. And I’m finding some comfort in our collective experience of this tragedy. I am watching the world unite and respond, I am hear people choosing to engage. Strong leaders and ordinary heroes who have the courage to respond. We are collectively searching for meaning in this senseless attack. We all want for those beautiful lives to be remembered and honored. We want for their loss to be the seed of something worthy.
It takes courage to make meaning. It means you have to somehow accept what has happened and work to create something of value out of it. Even as I type these words, it’s insane to me to think about “creating value” out of senseless, violent act. To move forward from this in a way that matters does not mean we have to accept it. In fact, it’s just the opposite… It means we have to be brave enough to come out of our protective shells and experience the emotional roller coaster including the shattering depths of sorrow and loss. And we have to decide to respond individually and together. This is not an easy thing to do when everything in us wants to reject, or otherwise hide from the pain. Whether it’s a senseless act of terrorism, a toxic situation at work, or life threatening cancer, it takes courage to make it count. Next time you want to run and hide, (call me! …and) find the courage to engage.
Here’s how we work through this to make meaning together
Here are a few leaders I think are making meaning of this event with messages of integration, respect, and hope. I’d love to hear what you have to say too.
We are all Meaning Makers. Meaning Makers don’t choose just the happy events to make meaning from. We make meaning out of it all. We find a way to create forward.
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